
A well-organized and fully stocked garage is a dream for many homeowners and DIY enthusiasts. However, if you're not careful, your tools can fall victim to rust, rendering them ineffective and potentially costly to replace. Rust is the result of a chemical reaction between oxygen and iron, and it thrives in moist and humid environments – conditions often found in garages. To protect your valuable tools and keep them in top condition, follow these tips on how to keep tools from rusting in your garage.

  • Proper Storage

One of the most effective ways to prevent tools from rusting is to store them properly. Here's how:

  1. Use Pegboards and Tool Racks: Install pegboards and wall-mounted tool racks to keep your tools off the ground and away from moisture. This not only prevents rust but also makes it easier to locate your tools quickly.
  2. Toolboxes and Cabinets: Invest in quality toolboxes or cabinets with airtight seals. These containers can keep moisture out and provide your tools with a secure, dry environment.
  3. Silica Gel Packets: Place silica gel packets in your tool storage areas to absorb excess moisture. You can find these packets in many hardware and craft stores.
  • Rust-Preventing Coatings

Consider applying rust-preventing coatings to your tools. Here are some options:

  1. Oil-Based Lubricants: Apply a thin layer of oil-based lubricants, such as motor oil or mineral oil, to your metal tools. This creates a barrier that prevents moisture from reaching the metal surface.
  2. Wax Coating: Use a specialized rust-preventing wax coating like Renaissance Wax. Apply a thin layer and buff it to a shine for added protection.
  3. Spray-On Rust Inhibitors: Rust-inhibiting sprays are available at most hardware stores. These products create a protective layer on the tool's surface and are particularly useful for larger tools and equipment.
  • Dehumidify the Garage

Controlling the humidity level in your garage can significantly reduce the risk of rust formation. 

  1. Dehumidifier: Invest in a good-quality dehumidifier to maintain a dry environment. Choose one with a size suitable for your garage's square footage.
  2. Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation by installing vents or fans to circulate air and reduce humidity levels.
  3. Keep Garage Doors Closed: Try to keep your garage doors closed as much as possible, especially during rainy or humid seasons, to prevent excess moisture from entering.
  • Clean and Dry Tools After Use

After each use, clean and dry your tools thoroughly to remove any dirt, moisture, or debris that could contribute to rust. Here's how:

  1. Wipe Down: Use a clean cloth to wipe down your tools and remove any dirt or moisture.
  2. Use a Wire Brush: For stubborn rust spots, use a wire brush to gently scrub the affected areas.
  3. Reapply Protective Coatings: If necessary, reapply the rust-preventing coatings mentioned earlier.


Preventing rust on your garage tools is essential to prolong their lifespan and maintain their functionality. By adopting proper storage methods, using rust-preventing coatings, controlling humidity, and cleaning your tools after use, you can keep your devices in excellent condition for years. Remember that regular maintenance and attention to detail are crucial to ensuring your devices remain rust-free and ready for your next project.